Teach the world through memes and earn rewards for your creations
Antimatter’s mission is to bridge the gap between how students learn in the classroom and how we all learn in the real world.
We got our start helping teachers to run meme creation activities and use an AI instructional coach in the classroom for formative assessment.
Universe brings the Antimatter experience directly to students and empowers them to teach the world about they know.
Universe is free to use. Students on Universe create memes and solve puzzles to get ₳ntimatter.
The experience is designed for students between the ages of 10 and 18, but it’s open to everyone around the world.
There is no one type of Universe student. Some students know their subjects inside and out, some are just great at expressing the subject creatively.
Support kids in helping them:
Students on Universe+ accounts receive these unique benefits:
Universe+ is $9.99/month with a 30-day money back guarantee
Subscribed kids receive these unique benefits:
Why parents subscribe to Antimatter:
Subscriptions are $9.99/month.